Consume / Relaxacon 2004
The Best Fed Little Fallcon in Fandom
Oct 15- 17th, 2004
Images shot on
Fri-Sun Oct 15th-17th, 2004.
Shot with a Kodak CX 7300
(Click on any thumbnail to see a larger 772x1040 JPEG image)
 Comfort Inn - Con motel |
 Rich helps haul in the MN SFS Rover |
 Dana signs in while Linda Schusheim staffs Registration |
 Godzilla video game |
 MN SFS MER Rover |
 MN SFS MER Rover |
 MN SFS MER Rover |
 Sci table |
 Sci table |
 Sci table |
 Food prep table |
 Signs |
 Signs |
 signs |
 signs |
 setting up |
 Dave Romm MCs Opening Sillimonies |
 Wayne @ his dealer's table |
 Dave Plugging his CDs |
 Henry Poland interperting for Posthumous GoHs |
 Intelligence Test |
 gaming |
 gaming |
 gaming |
 Rick staffs Registration |
 Eric Heideman @ Krushenko's |
 Karl Berkner in Anime rm |
 Ben in Karoke Rm |
 Movie promo posters |
 Caption |
 more food |
 Jolella Bonser & Rick Gellman staff Reg table |
 Becky gets food |
 Rick's dealers' table |
 Rich & ?? gaming |
 Gordy Dickson Scholarship Auction items |
 Gordy Dickson Scholarship Auction items |
 Gordy Dickson Scholarship Auction |
 Jeff Pearlstein on Drums |
 Howard Harrison on guitar |
 Jeff Pearlstein |
 Jeff & Howard jam |
 Mars worm, MER & Godzilla |
 Consume items for sale |
 Greta and friends |
 Godzilla and Barb Jensen BD Cake |
 Sci table |
 Sci table |
 MN SFS Mars Rover |
 Film Rm |
 Anime Rm |
 Eric serves cake |
 Other cons flyer table |
 Godzilla video game |
 Dave sets out plates |
 Dim Sum |
 Dim Sum |
 Rick gets some food |
 Greta and ?? |
 ?? and ?? |
 Wilson 'Bob' Tucker smoothing ceremony |
 Wilson 'Bob' Tucker smoothing ceremony |
 Wilson 'Bob' Tucker smoothing ceremony |
 Dana & Dave play Pictionary/Telephone |
Photos by Ben Huset
Last revision Oct 21, 2004
by Ben
Counter started Oct. 18, 2004
Comments welcome