Relaxacon 2001
The Millenial MunchCon
October 19-21st, 2001
TIME IS FLEETING…procrastination takes its toll…
Rick Gellman and Friends present: A Minnesota Munchie Movement Production:
CONsume! aka: Relaxacon 2001
The Sequel…”Back to the foodture”
Sponsored by the Minnesota Science Fiction Socitey, Inc.
You’re invited to attend - The Best Fed Little Fallcon in Fandom!
These images were taken at Relaxacon 2001 held at the
Ramada Northwest Inn and conference Center,
Brooklyn Park, MN
by Ben Huset.
(Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image)
Freebie Table |
Registration |
Con-Suite Food |
Science Table |
MN SFS & MAS handouts |
Card game |
MN SFS handouts |
MAS handouts |
Meeting area |
Card game |
MINNSTF Meeting |
Gordon Dickson remembrance Table |
Gordy Dickson Postimus Guest of Honor |
Con-Suite |
Rick and Michelle in Con Suite |
Bottle time |
MN SCI FI Soc. |
4 jack-o-lanterns |
Karaoke |
Karaoke |
Rick Gellman and Eric Heideman discuss “2001: Then and Now” |
Eric Heideman |
Dave Romm and ?? in Con-Suite |
Michelle and ?? in Con-Suite |
CONsume! aka: Relaxacon 2001
Where? The Ramada Inn Northwest
I-694 & County Rd. 81, Brooklyn Park, MN
6900 Lakeland Ave. N., 20 minutes NW of Mpls.
When? 3rd Weekend in October: 19th - 21st, 2001
$69 Per Night
Reservations::763-566-8855 or 800-343-1737
Mention RELAXACON and ask for the “Executive Courtyard Area”
There are about 20 Rooms left in the convention area
Adults: $30 ‘till October 1st - $35 at the door
Supporting Memberships: $5
Converting to Attending: $20
Children 10 and under: FREE
Teens 11-16: $15
24-Hour Memberships: $20
1 Night (Party) Memberships: $15 – (Actually any 12 hours, we’re not fussy)
$5 rebate for bringing a homemade dish for the consuite
So you’re looking for a nice little con to have a final fling before winter
sets in and you want to know what kind of a con this is.
It’s like this:
- A terrific consuite!
- Silliness Encourage!
- Real Food Served!
- Bring a dish or maybe make one at the con!
- Traditional Munchies!
- Good Conversation!
- A little programming!
- Swimming pool/Jacuzzi
- MUSIC: filk & karaoke
- Courtyard con space!
- Videos! (Bring your favorites)
- Gaming!
- Maybe D&D (Need a D&D Master)
- Gordy Dickson remembrance
- “2001: Then and Now” discussion
- Eric Heideman with food for thought
- Dave Romm as Master of Sillimonies!
- Kayte Norini/Children’s programming
- Smoffing?? (GASP!) (EEK!) (ZOUNDS!)
- Partying and having FUN!
- (Did we mention food?…enough?)
CONTACT! We have contact!
Call Rick @ 651-483-6290
Mail checks, registration forms, and questions to:
Rick Gellman
1105 Bellecrest Drive
Maplewood, MN 55109-1902
Volunteers WELCOME!
Hey! If the rest of the 20 rooms are rented, the con gets the exclusive use
of the Executive Courtyard.
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Last Update: |
Oct 31st, 2001 |
Page counter started Oct 31st, 2001: |