Location: Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta), Africa.
Latitude 11 degrees 39 minutes North,
Longitude 2 degrees 11 minutes West.
Time of Fall: March 5, 1960, 17:00 local time.
Type: Olivine-Bronzite Chondrite, H5.
The fall scattered a large number of stones over a wide area.
The meteorite shown is 8 cm x 6 cm x 4 cm and weighs 418 grams.
It was shaped during the last moments of atmosphere entry, as it
fell with the narrow edge (at top in the photo) pointed forward.
Location: Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Maritime Province, Russia,
about 270 miles northeast of Vladivostok.
Latitude 46 degrees 9.6 minutes North,
Longitude 134 degrees 39.2 minutes West.
Time of Fall: February 12, 1947, 10:38 a.m. local time.
The largest observed fall in history.
The total mass of the Sikhote-Alin fall has been estimated at
somewhat under 1000 tons.  Thousands of pieces have been
recovered from a very large and remote area.
Structural Class: Coarsest octahedrite, Ogg,
Widmanstatten bandwidth 9 ±5 mm.
Chemical Class: Group IIB, 5.9% Ni, 0.42% Co, 0.46% P,
about 0.28% S, 52 ppm Ga, 161 ppm Ge, 0.03 ppm Ir.
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Jeff Root
August 3, 2006