Leslie Fish
popularized Kipling's
The Dane
Geld in the filk community by setting it to her music. Was this
necessary? She could have used a pre-existing tune. Here is a modest
The Teddy Bears' Dane Geld
Tune: The Teddy Bears' Picnic
- If you're invaded by Danes tonight,
- You probably will be told,
- "We'll leave your country without a fight,
- If you will but give us gold."
- If you give cash to send 'em away --
- They'll get more brash demanding their pay --
- And that is what is known as asking for Dane-geld.
- It may be tempting to pay the Dane,
- But that will not buy relief.
- Before you know it he's back again,
- A source of incessant grief.
- Oh, do you crave to give the Dane gold --
- To be a slave -- to do as you're told? --
- Well, that is simply known as paying the Dane-geld
- Give no temptation to Nordic lands,
- Don't lead them to go astray.
- Ensure each one of them understands,
- Your nation's not easy prey.
- So simply state you'll drive 'em away --
- Then demonstrate you mean what you say --
- And ALWAYS say, "We never pay anyone Dane-geld."
lyrics: Copyright 1998, Rich Brown (?subject=re:%20www.FreeMars.org/filk/teddy.html">)
Related link: Pennies for Pohlad, which may be
sung to La Fish's Dane Geld music.
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